Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why do i never fit in? never have never will...?

im algerian, female, brought up in leeds, england, currently live in saudi arabia. i dont fit in with algerians within algeria or outside, english-speaking or not. i dont fit in with british people, mostly because i dont look like them. i dont fit in with saudi arabians because i dont look nor speak like them. i dont fit in with any other race either...sorry if this sounds racist but it seems like a racial issue to me, but why am i always rejected by people of my own race? im 17 now and worried about it, i dont have close friends, only the hi-and-bye types...ive even tried social networking with different types of people mostly algerians though, and even then they dont seem to accept me in their literally in tears now...i dont know what to do...i doubt anyone will answer this...because there is no answer to my problem...but it would comfort me if someone actually understood how i feel....just for the record, im pretty outgoing, funny, understanding, friendly in nature but noone seems to take an actual liking to me...=/ thankyou for taking the time to read this...

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