Monday, August 15, 2011

Ahh the perils of life...?

So I recently was dumped by my b/f of 15 months. He said he felt like it was in God's plan for us NOT to be together. This is the same guy who told me that I was the love of his life and that he wanted to marry me and have a life with me! He let me fall so deeply in love with him and let me believe he felt the same way. I just do not understand what went wrong, I mean we were fine a week ago and then WHAM! this crap happens. He is in the Air Force and is on deployment in AZ, and he sends me a text (f*****g coward) on Saturday basically telling me he wanted to be single! I just do not understand... he says it's not because he wants to go out and party guilt free, and that there is no one else. I believe him, but I just don't understand how this decision came so fast and out of nowhere! So if you have any advice for the broken hearted, I could use it!! Thanks!!

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